Parallel Programming for Scientific Computing

Raymond Spiteri (University of Saskatchewan)

Jan 14, 2021 — Apr 30, 2021

About the course

Despite the extraordinary advances in computing technology, we continue to need ever greater computing power to address important fundamental scientific questions. Because individual compute processors have essentially reached their performance limits, the need for greater computing power can only be met through the use of parallel computers. This course is intended for students who are interested in learning how to take advantage of high-performance computing with the focus of writing parallel code for processor-intensive applications to be run on local clusters, the cloud, or shared infrastructure such as that provided by Compute Canada. Extensive use of pertinent and practical examples from scientific computing will be made throughout. Allowable programming languages include Julia, Matlab, Maple, sage, python, Fortran, or C/C++. Various paradigms of parallel computing will be covered via the OpenMP, MPI, and OpenCL libraries. By the end of the course, students will be expected to be able to correctly solve non-trivial problems involving parallel programming as well as appreciate the issues involved in solving such problems.


This course is available for registration under the Western Dean's Agreement. To register, you must obtain the approval of the course instructor and you must complete the Western Dean's agreement form , using the details below. The completed form should be signed by your home institution department and school of graduate studies, then returned to the host institution of the course.

Enrollment Details

Course Name
Parallel Programming for Scientific Computing
Jan 14, 2021 — Apr 30, 2021
Course Number
CMPT 851.3
Section Number
Section Code


For help with completing the Western Dean’s agreement form, please contact the graduate student program coordinator at your institution. For more information about the agreement, please see the Western Dean's Agreement website

Other Course Details

Reference texts

  • D.L. Chopp, Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2019.